Monday, March 15, 2010

Shh...the monkeys will hear you laughing

Just when I was sure things couldn't get any crazier, someone goes and throws in a monkey. Hmph...

Writing has again taken the backseat as music and art battle it out for my attention. Damn monkeys.

Oh! Oh, oh! Anyone out there that reads this and has celiac disease like me: Stay away from LifeWater. Bad, bad, bad for your already tortured stomach. Actually, I'm not sure if its the celiac that LifeWater doesn't agree with or another possible allergy of mine but either way...I will never drink it again. Lesson learned. Hmph...gimpy stomach and them damn monkeys.

I've been searching for a video camera that is compatible with my lovely iMac. I don't want anything outrageously expensive really, just something that I can use to catch the monkey's that surround me at highly comedic, less than flattering moments. Oh, and to record videos to put with the music I am making. Okay, so the second reason is the real reason, but don't think I'm not watching. Damn monkeys....

Don't let them damn monkeys steal your banana's...or your pillow, or you cereal, or your damn socks for that matter.

Damn monkey's.


  1. Racer, I keep tellin''re ME from a previous life....I HAVE CELIAC! Stay away from Riboflavin (it's one of the "B" vitamins)...that's likely what's in LifeH2O that's getting you. Eat as little chicken as possible for the same reason.
    I have the Flip camera for on-the-go-memory well with the Macola.
    Anything else I can help ya with, just holla!
