Monday, September 28, 2009

Am not the Doctor

I got a call (really it was a beep beep on my nextel...nextel sucks) early (10:30...hey its early for me) this morning from my mom. Seems my brother and his wife are on the outs again and mom wants me to play doctor and fix him since he is all bent out of shape.

I guess this time it is serious because he somehow caught her with another guy. Not in bed or anything, just hanging out and talking. So sister-in-law had already told bro that she didn't want to be with him anymore. The guy just put icing on the cake I guess.

Well, step-dad thinks that there is a conspiracy. See, he thinks that sister-in-law is trying to push my brother into hitting or hurting her so she can have him arrested and take his car. It is would have to know sister-in-laws mother. She is worse than white trash. Even her own mother says so.

Confused yet?

The point: I've been trying to talk to my brother for three days. He won't answer the phone. Today, I got him on step-dad's beep beep nextel and he was short and sweet saying that he wanted to rest and that he would call me later tonight. It's 10:30 and I'm pretty sure he's not going to call.

There's only one reason that he would refuse to talk to me and/or avoid talking to me. He has relapsed AGAIN!!! I'm pretty sure of this and step-dad says he knows bro is back on oxy. This. Really. Sucks.

Its all making me wonder if sister-in-law is really leaving my brother because she no longer loves him or because she knows he's back on the pills. She won't take my call either.

Too much to ask for and I am not the doctor!

Or am I? But how can I help them if they won't talk to me?
I tried to tell my mom that they really need to work this out themselves because its not my business. Of course, she wouldn't hear me. I told step-dad the same thing and he didn't listen either.

My conclusion...I love my brother. I love my sister-in-law. And if they want me to be a mediator, they'll call. No need for me to chase them down. But I would like a word or two with my brother because if he is back on the pills, I need him to know that I am done trying to help him with anything. (His addiction has been going on for over ten years.) I'm tired of watching him kill him self.

BTW...J is home and she is safe, just like I thought.


  1. Sorry about your brother, hun. I know how much you have been through with him.

  2. No worries, right? If you see him, deck him for me.
