Saturday, January 16, 2010

New toy!

I did it! I convinced J to take me to the Apple store and I'm now the proud owner of an iMac.

And so far so good. I am making the transition pretty smoothly. Although, it did take me about thirty minutes to figure out how to eject a damn CD. Not funny.

Some of the really cool features: Garage Band. I haven't used it yet but from what I understand, J and I will be able to hook up our instruments and mics directly to the computer and mix/record it all. From there we can put it up on iTunes for sale. Sweet, huh.

Photo Booth is pretty cool. At the moment, my desktop is covered with the silly ass pictures we made with it. No...I'm not sharing.

I got iWorks too. Unless the sales guy lied, I should be able to download all of the books I have written and be able to edit them even though they were written in Word. And J made me promise to edit at least one of them and submit it for publishing within 30 days. (That was how I got her to drive me to the place to get this thing.)

As far as the other features...well, I'm still playing with thing. So far...I love it.

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